Lisa Crockett has lived in Hendersonville for 23 years. She is married to Phillip and they
have two children who are currently attending college at UTC and Univ. of Mississippi.
Lisa owns and operates her own business; Crockett Consulting Services, providing
bookkeeping/accounting services to small businesses in the Middle TN area. She is a
graduate of Iowa Wesleyan University with a BA in Accounting and The University of
Tamp with a Masters of Business Administration.
Lisa has been very active in the Hendersonville community serving on the following
board of directors over the years: Compass (Community Outreach Making Partnerships
at Sumner Schools), Young Life Sumner County, The Chamber Foundation, VSA Arts
of Tennessee, Indian Lake Elementary PTO, Ellis Middle School PTO and The
Hendersonville Fund Association (HHS Dance Team) as well as serving on many